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Basic HTML Tags


Now that you know the basics, start experimenting with these basic tags to control the way text displays. You will use these basic tags to format your resume with HTML.

Try using each of these tags to see how they display in your browser.


(not all have closing tags)

Purpose / Example
<p>    </p>



<p align="center">    </p>
<br> Line
<blockquote>     </blockquote>

Indents text

<b>     </b> bold
<i>     </i> italic
<u>     </u> underline
<h1>     </h1>

Heading 1

<h2>     </h2>

Heading 2

<h3>     </h3>

Heading 3

<h4>     </h4>

Heading 4

<h5>     </h5>
Heading 5
<h6>     </h6>
Heading 6
<pre>     </pre>
preformatted text
<div>     </div> Division (used to apply a format to a larger section)
&nbsp; Non-breaking space


Unordered List
  • apples
  • pears
  • oranges
Ordered List
  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
Nested List


  • fruit
    1. apples
    2. oranges
  • vegetables
    1. corn
    2. asparagus


This information is alson contaiuned in a handy pdf document for viewing or downloading.


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