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Dreamweaver - Basic Tasks

Here are explanations of some of the basic tasks you can do in Adobe Dreamweaver:



Insert an Image in an HTML page with Dreamweaver:

To insert an image in Dreamweaver, either click the Image icon on the Common Insert bar or go to Insert-->Image

It will then open a pop-up window where you will select the image file you want to insert.



Linking Pages in Dreamweaver:

1. To make a relative link to another page in your site:

If you want to make text a link, highlite the text and then go to the property inspector and click the folder icon next to the field for Link. This will let you search for the file that you want to link to. Of course, this file must be inside your local root folder. If you try to link to a page outside your site, then Dreamweaver will ask you if you want to copy the file into your local root folder.

If you want an image to be a link, then first insert the image by either clicking the icon in the Objects palette or by going to Insert-->Image. Then go to the property inspector and click the folder next to the field for Link and select the file you want to link to.

2. To make an absolute link:

Do the same thing, except in the Link field instead of clicking the folder to browse for one of your own files, enter the URL starting with http://

Example: http://alyve.org

Note: Before you link to another HTML page, and before you insert an image: SAVE YOUR PAGE! Dreamweaver can't successfully make a link unless it knows where this file will be located. If you try to link to another page from an unsaved page, you will get the following popup message:




Formatting Text with Dreamweaver:

This is very intuitive, just like a word processor program. Highlite the text you want to apply a style to, and then go to the property inspector and adjust the font, style, alignment, size and color.



To learn how to use Macromedia Dreamweaver, complete Lesson 1, which will take you step-by-step through the creation of a sample commercial web page.

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