Syllabus Aesthetics HTML Fireworks Flash Dreamweaver




Intro to HTML

How the Web Works
What is HTML?
What are HTML tags?
How to create an HTML page

The Problem with Browsers
Hexadecimal Colors

Learning HTML

Basic Tags: Text Formatting
Adding Links
File Structure and Paths
Adding Graphics

HTML Summary - pdf for view/download







Frames allow you to display more than one HTML page at the same time. Clicking on a link in one frame can change the contents of another frame. Here are some examples of pages with frames:

How Frames Work

Instead of the <BODY> tag that introduces the content of the HTML page, a page in Frames uses the tag <FRAMESET> to split the browser window and display 2 or more HTML pages at the same time.

In this example, the HTML page left.htm contains navigation links, while the page frontpage.htm is a separate HTML file that is displayed next to left.htm in the browser window.

The file default.htm is the file with the code for the frameset. So, for a 2 page frameset like this one, you really need 3 pages. You need left.htm for the navigation, frontpage.htm for the page content and then you need a third page (in this case default.htm) that first puts the pages into the frameset.


Frameset Tags

A Frame Document has a basic structure very much like your normal HTML document, except the BODY container is replaced by a FRAMESET container which describes the sub-HTML documents, or Frames, that will make up the page.





  • The tag <frameset> is the main container for a Frame.

  • It has 2 attributes ROWS and COLS.

  • A frame document has no BODY, and no tags that would normally be placed in the BODY can appear before the FRAMESET tag, or the FRAMESET will be ignored.

  • The FRAMESET tag has a matching end tag, and within the FRAMESET you can only have other nested FRAMESET tags, FRAME tags, or the NOFRAMES tag.

See examples of different framesets and the HTML code.

Building an example site with frames

A Web Site Dedicated to Fine Cheeses

If you were to build a site in frames, first you would make the separate HTML pages that make up the frameset. In the above example, we would create left.htm as our navigation page that hold links to all of the pages in the site. Then we would create the splash page, or whatever content we would like to display as part of the first page viewers see.

Create the navigation page, left.htm that will contain links to all of the pages in the site.

Next, create the "front page" or whatever you want to show when the viewer first visits the site's home page. In this example, the main content page, firstpage.htm is a picture of wine and cheese and a heading describing the site.

Now you will create the frameset page. Since this page will contain the code that sets up the frameset, it is called default.htm because it is the first page. The other pages left.htm and firstpage.htm are the pages displayed within default.htm.

This is the HTML for default.htm

<title>Fine Cheeses Web Site</title>

<frameset cols="140,*" rows="*" frameborder="YES">
<frame src="left.htm" name="left" scrolling="NO">
<frame src="firstpage.htm" name="right">

<noframes><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">Sorry, you can't view frames with your browser.</body></noframes>


In this code, the frameset tag specifies columns (this will split side by side or left and right) instead of rows (which splits top and bottom).

<frameset cols="140,*" rows="*" frameborder="YES">

This line splits the page into 2 side by side columns. The asterick means "whatever is left over" so in this case, the left frame will be 140 pixels wide and the right frame fills whatever portion is left of the window. There will also be a border to this page.

The next 2 lines point to the HTML pages that will occupy the space defined by the frameset (140 pixels wide for one page, whatever is left over for the other).

Each frame must have a name! Frames work by targetting other windows within the browser. This is only possible if you name them.

<frame src="left.htm" name="left" scrolling="NO">
<frame src="firstpage.htm" name="right">

There is also the tag <NOFRAMES> and you will notice that the body tag comes after. This is used in case someone is using a browser that cannot recognize frames. Perhaps someone is surfing the Web with a palm pilot or cell phone, for example and it cannot display the content.

After you have set up your frameset page, you can continue making all of the pages in the site that will load into the right window after clicking a link on the left. These are all regular HTML pages without the navigation.

To make your links, open the navigation page (left.htm in this case) and create links like you normally would with the exception of an additional attribute. To open a page in a blank browser window you would use target="_blank" so to open a page in your targeted window, the target name must be the same as the name you gave to that frame in the frameset page. In this case, the frame was named "right"

<a href="firstpage.htm" target="right">Home</a>

<a href="swiss.htm" target="right">Swiss</a>

<a href="feta.htm" target="right">Feta</a>

What would happen if you linked to the Home page by linking to default.htm instead of firstpage.htm?

<a href="default.htm" target="right">Home</a>

Click on Home and see what happens

Customizing the way framed pages appear

If a page in a frameset, like all HTML pages, is too long to fit in the browser window, then a grey scrollbar to the right of the page will appear. Just by making a page long, you can force a scrollbar to appear. You can also force a scrollbar to not appear. Say you don't want a scrollbar on your navigation frame, you can add an attribute:

<frame src="left.htm" name="left" scrolling="NO">

You can also prevent the user from being able to resize your frameset

<frame src="left.htm" name="left" scrolling="NO" noresize>

Advantages and Disadvantages to using Frames

One advantage to making a site in a frameset is that you only have to make one page with the navigation and then just load content pages into the other frame.

However, there are plenty of disadvantages, such as:

  • Search engines will pick up all of the pages in the site, so if someone searches for Provolone they might access this page. Seeing a page outside of its frameset is useless, there is no way to navigate.

  • The URL of a frameset doesn't change, so you can't book mark or link to specific pages in a frameset.

Dreamweaver makes it easier to create a page in frames.

Maybe you can find a way to use frames in a creative or non-traditional way for your Web Art and JavaScript assignment



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