Syllabus Aesthetics HTML Fireworks Flash Dreamweaver




Intro to HTML

How the Web Works
What is HTML?
What are HTML tags?
How to create an HTML page

The Problem with Browsers
Hexadecimal Colors

Learning HTML

Basic Tags: Text Formatting
Adding Links
File Structure and Paths
Adding Graphics

HTML Summary - pdf for view/download






File Structure

File structure is the hierarchy of folders or directories on your disk or hard drive. It is also called directory structure or directory hierarchy.

How to organize your student folder for this class

First, create a folder in your HSStudent Folder called "mysite" to house all of the files you create for this class.


Inside the "mysite" folder, create separate folders called:

    • images
    • projects
    • lessons


IMPORTANT: For the Web, DO NOT USE SPACES in file names or folder names. Get in the habit of naming your folders and files without spaces. You can use an underscore or a dash to break up a word.

Inside your "project" folder, make a folder for each assignment. Name these folders:

    • fan_site
    • commercial

Remember: NEVER name a folder or file with spaces








Why File Structure is Important for Understanding Linking

With absolute links, you link to an outside external Web site somewhere on the Web. With relative links, you link to an internal file that you created within your Web site.

Because each assignment includes many files, keep the files for each assignment seperated into different folders. This way, when you are working on your Personal Site, you know to save all of your HTML files

Here we are inside the personal folder. Say you want to link your file resume.htm to the file called called links.htm. If both of these HTML files, resume.htm and links.htm are in the same folder, (in this case the "personal" folder, then the link would look like this:

<a href="links.htm">Links</a>

Remember, to make an absolute link, you must include the entire path to the file on the Web, starting with http (for example, ) but to make a RELATIVE link, within your own file structure, YOU DO NOT NEED http, or a drive letter.

All that matters when making a relative link within your file structure is the directions from one file to another file. Think of it like this: the file with the link code in it asks: Where is that other file IN RELATION to where I am?

How would you link to your resume.htm file from the table of contents page, which is named default.htm and is sitting outside of the personal folder?

Give Directions: The Table of Contents page (default.htm in the illustration above) asks, "How do I get to resume from where I am?"

If we add this code to the default.htm table of contents file will the link work?

<a href="resume.htm">Resume</a>

Why or Why Not? Look at the file default.htm in the window above. Now read the HTML in the link and pretend that you are the browser and try and follow the instructions. The link tells us: look in the same folder that you are in and you will find the file resume.htm. But if we look, the file resume.htm is not inside the www folder with default.htm anymore. It now belongs inside the "personal" folder and if we click inside the personal folder, we will then see the file resume.htm

So in order to make our link from the table of contents page to the resume file, we have to revise the directions: First look inside the folder called Personal, and THEN you will find the file called resume.htm

The link will now look like this:

<a href="personal/resume.htm">Resume</a>

Now we can successfully link to the file because resume.htm is inside the personal folder.

Relative links work in relation to the file with the HTML link code. If we are going to make our link on the table of contents page, then we give directions from the table of contents page.


What if the file I'm linking to is up one level from where I am?

What if we wanted to reciprocate the link, and make a link from our resume.htm page back to the table of contents page. How would we give directions to the table of contents page from resume.htm?

In order to give directions from the resume page to the table of contents page we have to say:

Move up one directory, outside the one we're currently in (which is the personal folder) and into the www directory which is up one directory. If we click the UP button on the browser, we will then be in the www directory, which is where the default.htm table of contents page is.

How do we tell the link to look in the directory above it?

We do this by using ../ before the file name

(dot-dot-slash) ../ indicates "go up one folder level." So to link from resume.htm to the default.htm table of contetns page we have to say go up one folder level and then look. The code would be:

<a href="../default.htm">Table of Contents Page</a>

../ is used to indicate "up one directory"

What about this:

If we forgot to use the ../ before the file name and instead placed this code on the resume.htm page, would the link work?

<a href="default.htm">Table of Contents Page</a>

Where would that link take us?

Can you have more than one file named default.htm?


Think of it like this: The file with the link says:

"I know where I am. Where are you in relation to me? Are you right next to me in the same folder? Or do I have to look inside another folder before I can see you?"

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