Syllabus Aesthetics HTML Fireworks Flash Dreamweaver





Class Calendar
Contact information

1- Web Analysis Paper
2 - Personal HTML Web Site
3 - Fan Site
4 - Company Logo

5 - Web Art
6 - Dreamweaver Web Site
7 - Final Exam



Project 4: Logo Design

Your assignment is to use Macromedia Fireworks to create a logo for a fictional company. The company is a new web design company called CitiGrafix, that is looking for a slick, high-tech, sophisticated design to sell its serivices to the world.


There are 2 parts to this assignment:

Create a mockup storyboard detailing your concept. Write a one page design brief where you explain your idea and how you will use the Web to communicate your saying. See an example mockup storyboard

Working from your mockup, you will complete the assignment, demonstrating a creative use of Macromedia Fireworks.

See the finished piece from the above mockup.

You will be graded on:

  • Storyboard and artist's statement: How well have you visually illustrated how your piece works, and verbally described how you approached this assignment and your thoughts behind the work. (25%)

  • Creativity and Communication: How well have you used the graphic design program to communicate the mission of the company? I will consider creativity, aesthetic inquiry, attention to detail, and how well the piece was executed. (75%)

See also: Using Fireworks


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