Syllabus Aesthetics HTML Fireworks Flash Dreamweaver





Class Calendar
Contact information

1- Web Analysis Paper
2 - Personal HTML Web Site
3 - Fan Site
4 - Company Logo

5 - Web Art
6 - Dreamweaver Web Site
7 - Final Exam



Project 2: Personal HTML Web Site

For this assignment, you will create your class portfolio, which you will continue to update throughout the year. Future assignments, projects and independent work will be linked to this Web site. For your first assignment, you must create a site inside your HSStudent folder that contains at least 5 pages, including a home page which should be saved as index.htm. You should add at least 4 more pages and name them as follows:

  • Title: Image Work (filename = image.htm) with at least 3 images giving credit to where the images came from
  • Title: In Class Assignments (filename = lessons.htm)
  • Title: Favorite Links (filename = links.htm)
  • Title: Web Projects (filename = projects.htm)

Please view this flowchart to get an idea of how your web site will be organized.

The objective of this assignment is to get you started using HTML, uploading to your web host using the FTP site and feeling comfortable using this manual to help you learn to code and troubleshoot technical difficulties.


What your finished assignment should include:

  • At least six pages including a home page (named index.htm), an image page, a links page, a lesson page, and a project page.
  • A title on each page.
  • A navigational scheme (these can be graphics you found on the Web, or graphics that you have created yourself) on all of your pages.
  • At least three images on your "Image Work" page
  • At least three links on your "Favorite Links" page that link to remote sites and open in a new browser window
  • A link on your "In Class Assignments" page to your resume

    Your pages should have a uniformity to them, they should all follow the same style and color scheme.

The grading criteria:

  • The inclusion of all components listed above (75%)

  • Programming and File Structure Accuracy (25%)


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Home . Syllabus . Web Aesthetics . HTML . Fireworks . Flash . Planning . Graphic Design . Dreamweaver