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The Cycle of the Seasons
The path of the sun in the sky, photo by Jan Koeman Waalwijk


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web page.

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The Cycle of the Seasons is a Problem Based Learning unit that focuses on the use of trigonometry to model natural phenomenon.

Driving Question: How does the seasonal fluctuation in sunlight affect the average daily temperature in Hartford?

Culminating Project: After students solve the unit problem, they will work in groups to create a web-based analysis of their mathematical model. Teams will create a model of both the Hartford data and another for a foreign city of their choosing. View Project details.

Portfolio: Students will compile a PBL portfolio documenting and evaluating their learning. View Portfolio details.



Week 1
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Unit Problem

CW 1: Average Monthly Temps

HW 1 - Sunrise Sunset

CW: Hartford Daylight Hours

HW 2 - Decimals 2 Degreees... and back

CW: Time and Temperature

HW 3 - Complete T and T


Good Friday

Week 2
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

CW: Trig Transformations

HW 5 - Temp Transformations

CW: Daylight and SAD

HW 6 - Final Report

CW: Project

HW - Portfolio

CW: Formal Assessment


Debrief PBL



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Student Projects

Block 2

  • Team 1
  • Team 2
  • Team 3
  • Team 4
  • Team 5
  • Team 6



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The following are links to Algebra 2 resources:


Analyze Math Main Page

The Math Forum Index or follow this link for the Math Forum's Calculus Index

Math Forum Home Page

A link to help on many Math topics from WebMath

College Algebra Homepage From Western Texas A&M University

Purplemath contains practical algebra lessons demonstrating useful techniques and pointing out common errors.






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