Here is a very simple table with one row and two columns:

Column 1 Column 2

Cell 1 table data

Cell 2 table data


You can use this to align items on a page.

This layout uses the same 1 row 2 column table

The above example uses the table tag to specify a 620 pixel table:
column one is 195 pixels, the size of the black side bar, plus space for the drop shadow. 
The other column is 425 pixels.

195 + 425 = 620

When making a table to fit a design, always use pixels, never percents.
Pixels are more exact.


Here is the HTML code for this table

<head><title>My Table</title></head>

<table width="620" border ="0">


<td width= "195"> code for left sidebar buttons</td>

<td width="425"> code for main page content</td>





You can also put a table inside a cell.



<table width="620" border="0">

<td width="195">
<table width="195" border="0">
<td>What's New</td></tr>
<td>About Us</td></tr>
<td>Web Tools</td></tr>
<td width="425">

<table width="425" border ="0">
<tr><td>Using the Lab: Digital Media Lab</td></tr>

What's New
About Us
Web Tools
Using the Lab: Digital Media Lab